Student 5th January 2024

I will always remember Frau Post. She encouraged me and helped with my studies during my time at Queen Mary’s High School. I’m an adult now; working, on the train home from London. She came into my mind as I thought about exams and education and the career I have today. She was such a rare soul. Someone so pure and full of integrity, that she could simply do no intentional wrong. Her heart and soul was too pure for this world is some way. They always say the good die young, and with her in mind, that remains true. One memory in particular; I had a nervous breakdown before an exam, I was 16 at the time. She helped me with my breathing and supported me and I earned full marks in my next attempt. She believed in people when they lost faith in their own ability. She saw ability and possibility before others because she was so positive. I wish and pray for peace when I think of her family. She is definitely with God because she was such a good soul, and there is so much peace in knowing that.